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A hell of a trip!

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Most of my trips starts with some reasonable planning; you have to identify the best flight, seats, airports, connection times, hotels, etc. The main idea is to be prepared for any surprise.


Sometimes surprises happen, and sometimes it can be great.

Flying to the Philippines for the first time I could never imagine how interesting this country can be. The biggest catholic country in the world, former US military base, colonized by Spain. The country is a paradise when considering beaches, however I had no time to go to any (Sometimes you have to work), however I could enjoy a little bit of history by going to Intramuros, the historic side of Manilla.

Fort Santiago in Intramuros - Manilla

In the Philippines I could also tried some authentic Japanese food, which was really tasty.

Mr Komoto (Castem Philippines President), Mr Miwa (Castem Tahiland General Manager)

On the way back from Philippines to USA I had a connection in Seoul, South Korea. I was expecting just a simple connection, however ICN airport is the second best airport in the world, and yes, the airport is great, and besides the comfort, agility and great services, the airport offers a free tour to some places. Being a History lover, I went to the Jeondeungsa Temple, from the 4th century. The place was breathtaking, not only for the beauty but also because it was -15C.

Jeondeungsa Temple – South Korea

After the long connection I flew to Houston, and over there found out that a big running event was coming to Houston, It was the first time I ran 15K, now the next target is 21k.

Hot Chocolate 15k Run

Finally, I had another training week in Orizava – Veracruz MX. A very nice historic city with a huge Spanish influence. Some of the best restaurants I have ever been to are located in Orizaba.

El palacio de Hierro – Oribaba – Veracruz

That my friend, was a hell of a trip.

Daniel Alcantara

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