Shane's Blog - June 2016
Howdy from East Texas where the weather is unusual to say the least. Here it is late May going into June and we have yet to cross 90f yet and as I type this, it is raining yet again and the temperature on the porch is a mild 66f. Yes, we Texans always like to talk about the weather because if you don’t like what it is now just wait an hour and it will be totally different.
I grew up reading National Geographic and always remember the pictures of people carrying water long distances on their head. Of course, we all know why I really read National Geographic, but I shan’t go there! Anyway, even today in 2016 in the new millennium, so many people on a global basis do not have access to adequate safe drinking water, heaven forbid running water, and have to trek many miles to a well for drinking water. Once the container is full, then they must trek back, without spilling or dropping the container, back to their house. It does make me feel somewhat guilty that I can go downstairs from the office, turn the tap on, and be rewarded with safe drinking water without having to endure a long trek to the city water station.
Ok, fast forward from my early years and of course people are still trekking with water and all of a sudden, I see this!
It’s a Stephen Covey “Ah Ha” moment! It’s like, why has it taken so many thousands of years to come up with such a simple solution to a complex problem? Obviously not many humans could carry that volume of water on their head at one time as it would weigh 116 lbs or 340kg. The simple is so easy and so eloquent that it is mind rattling. Thomas Watson and his famous motto of “THINK” from National Cash Register and IBM is most appropriate. Looking back over some documents I have from my days with EDS – Electronic Data Systems under the legendary H. Ross Perot, I came across the Thomas Watson quote of “The trouble with every one of us is that we don't think enough. We don't get paid for working with our feet — we get paid for working with our heads.”
So, at SYNCHRO ERP we think with our heads and come up with new and innovative ways to help the metalcaster make more money. In business, at the end of the day the profits or losses are totaled up and it’s what happens on the foundry floor that makes the difference. We have recently rolled out the newest tablet APP release with bang-a-gong features to assist the shop floor. Additionally, in the near future the CRM module will be made available as well. And, as always, if you are walking around with water on your head at the foundry and can think of new ways to improving the software, then we are ready to listen to you!
Well, until next time, see you on down the road less traveled.
Shane Allen
Head of North American Operations
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Vinuela is a municipality in Southern Spain – not too far from Malaga.
Apart from the scenery the area is dominated by a large man made reservoir known as Lake Vinuela. I believe it was made about 50 years ago by damming local rivers.