ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

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It's all about commitment to the Cast Metal Industry

What a great Exhibition

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Well what a fantastic Exhibition CastExpo 2022 was ..

Chris Collins, Daniel Alcantara and Simon Adlington were so happy to be back out meeting customers and networking with new people.

The show was a great success, Simon reflected ..

'It was great to see a lot of old faces and some new and even better to see the interest within our existing customer base to move forward with extended use of the software now that travel and accommodation has now returned almost to pre COVID conditions.

It was great to be networking with other suppliers and look to integrate more closely with some of these suppliers moving forward with the industry that we all support and love working with.

The show was almost back to it’s dynamic and enthused best, let’s all hope that the past 2 years of mayhem are permanently behind us.

To all the investment casters out there we hope to see you all in California in August'

Here is a few pictures ..

They also spent time having some very important meetings and have some exciting plans for the future ..

Thanks for reading,

Chris, Simon & Daniel

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