Do we Go Imperial?
I appreciate metric is very logical and practical but I do remember being taught at school names for different measurements of volume or distance and how and why some are connected.
So as a reminder to those ‘oldies’ who remember Pounds and ounces, pints and gallons and feet and inches – the first in a series
1 square foot = 144 inches = 0.09 sq metres
1 square yard = 9 sq feet = 0.836 sq metre
1 Rood = ¼ of an acre = 1,210 sq yards = 40 sq poles
1 Acre = 4 roods = 10 sq chains = 4,840 sq yards ( about the size of a football pitch)
1 Hectare = approx. 2.5 acres
Virgate = 30 acres
Hide = 4 virgates (Its origins lie in the amount of land sufficient to support a family)
A square mile = 640 acres
Something to think about!
Richard Nolan
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