ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

Items of interest

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FESA AGM 2016 (Foundry Equipment Suppliers Association)

The Toyota Motor Manufacturing plant in Deeside, UK.

Posted on in NEWS
As a council member of FESA it was a pleasure to represent SYNCHRO ERP at this year’s AGM held on October 12th at The Toyota Motor Manufacturing plant in Deeside, UK.

15 Companies/businesses attended the AGM, where the secretary Andrew Turner announced that Hewitt Robins had come on board the FESA train, extending the current membership to 33 companies/businesses.  

Alex Dann of New business media and publisher of CMDT (Cast Metal Diecasting times) was elected as a new member of the FESA council and it was also confirmed that Bianca Catherall of SYNCHRO ERP would take up the maintenance of the FESA Website. (if any of the FESA members have any news that they would like added to the website please contact Andrew Turner 

It was also confirmed that FESA will have a stand at the next WFO (World Foundry Organization) Technical Forum which will be hosted concurrently with The 2nd South African Metal Casting Conference (MCC) held in Gauteng, South Africa from March 14th – 17th 2017, the 7th BRICS Foundry Forum will precede the conference. SYNCHRO ERP are proud sponsors of MCC and will also be attending this event; you can find us on Stand #24

The River Dee

 The river dee

After lunch, a tour of the facility was conducted, as with most things we started at the beginning J with a brief on the global company that is Toyota. The Deeside Engine plant employs over 500 people with engines coming off the production line every 43 seconds! The plant exports the engines to Brazil, South Africa, Turkey and Japan.

Our guide then took us into the manufacturing plant, the assembly building and finally on to the castings buildings shop floor. We were of course all issued with the necessary safety equipment, hard hats, safety googles, high viz vests and ear plugs!

Toyota prides itself on quality and consistency, all Toyota Manufacturing plants follow the same philosophy “The Toyota Production System”

Read more about Toyota

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