ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

Items of interest

It's all about commitment to the Cast Metal Industry

  •  Foundation For Future Modules

    On Demand Demo - #1 Foundation For Future Modules

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    This is the first in a multitude of specific quick mini on-demand overview demonstrations on the functionality of the software modules.

    This demonstration is designed to be a primer on what it is all about and sets the foundation for future modules.

  • Demostración del módulo de Control de Herramentale

    Demostración del módulo de Control de Herramentale

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    Esta es una visión general del módulo de Control de Herramentales.

    Herramentales en la Industria metalúrgica se refiere a moldes, cajas de Corazones, modelos de investment, etc. En general, una herramienta dentro del software es reutilizable y se utiliza en la fabricación de piezas de fundición. Póngase en contacto con una persona de apoyo para obtener información adicional sobre la mejor manera de configurar Herramentales. Gracias por su atención

  • Sarginsons Industries Ltd

    Another SYNCHRO ERP Client Making Head Line News

    Posted on in NEWS

    Left to right is David Hayden from Sarginson’s Industries, Tim Squires from Squires Gear Engineering and Saif Arif; each company supported Saif with a final year project.

  • August 2016

    Shane's Blog - August 2016

    Posted on in Blog

    What a Wonderful World!

    Howdy from East Texas. Daniel Alcântara, our Training and Implementation Manager based out of the Brazilian office, were just discussing something and he mentioned “What a Wonderful World”. Now, I can’t get the most outstanding song by the legend Louis Armstrong out of my mind. So, that’s how the title of this BLOG came to be.

  •  Equipment Maintenance Management

    WEBINAR - Equipment Maintenance Management Module (Concluded)

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    The Equipment Maintenance Management Module (EMMM) has undergone a recent update. This window enables the setting up of a specific calendar for the Equipment Maintenance and is setup in the same fashion as the Company or Process calendars. If a calendar is defined when planning the next maintenance dates SYNCHRO will push the date forward until a working date is reached. If no Maintenance calendar exists, the default system calendar will be used instead.

    If you currently use the Equipment Maintenance Management Module. - you will benefit from the development.

    If you do not currently use the module, this is an opportunity to have a one on one demonstration

    ...and remember this module has no purchase costs, it is free with the All Inclusive Module Suite



    Posted on in NEWS

    Howdy from sweltering Texas, I was honored to represent Team SYNCHRO ERP at the AFS Texas Board of Directors planning meeting in the former oil capitol of Texas, Kilgore. The surrounding area still has many oil derricks as displays of the heritage and even the road side park uses mini oil derricks for picnic table shelters.

  • ruby

    On Demand Demo - Ruby For All Users

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    RUBY is a re designed interface only.

    For All Users detailing setup and how to use

    Free to all users.

    A new "Ruby" edition of the software has been released that is "Future Proof"

    Dead line to move to SYNCHRO ERP Ruby is 1st August '16


    On Demand Demo - Ruby For Supervisors

    Posted on in

    As new users are given the option to start working with Ruby, you the supervisor will need to review security and also make decisions regarding security levels and whether or not your facility will make use of departmental level security which is an outstanding new feature of the software.

  • Steen Hall dorms

    Shane's Blog - July 2016

    Posted on in Blog


    Howdy once again from Nacogdoches Texas where I’m on the 25th floor of the SYNCHRO ERP plaza. Actually, the tallest building around these parts are the Steen Hall dorms on the campus of Stephen F. Austin State University, SFASU, my alma mater at ten stories. Garner Tower was razed a number of years ago and at fourteen stories tall, was actually the tallest building between Houston and Interstate 20, spanning about two-hundred miles.

  • Inventory Management - Bite Size Taster

    Bite Size - Inventory Management

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    Inventory and Shipping

    Gathers all necessary functions to fully manage your stocks up to and including shipping.


  • POK


Demonstrations are a taster, an overview, a guide.
A valuable start in assessing your own requirements

They are valuable and free

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