ERP Software Specific for the Cast Metal Industry

Items of interest

It's all about commitment to the Cast Metal Industry

  • The Tooling Module - Bite Size Taster

    Bite Size - Tooling Module

    Posted on in

    "Are you finding it increasingly difficult to control your tools/patterns?"

    Tooling within the software refers to patterns, mold boxes, fixtures, calibration instruments, as well as tooling dies. A huge benefit of having metalcasting specific software is that it knows what a tool truly is and how it is used in the operations.

    The importance of tooling within the scope of metalcasting operations cannot be over emphasized.

    In order to have a quality casting to ship, it is paramount that the process starts out with exceptional tooling.

  • AFS Texas Annual Board Meeting and Family Day 2016

    AFS Texas Annual Board Meeting and Family Day 2016

    Posted on in NEWS

    The Texas Chapter of the AFS, American Foundry Society, has an annual board meeting and family outing. This year’s event was at the Texas hill country Resort and SPA, Tapatio Springs, which is owned by the country and western musician George Strait – “Amarillo by Morning ”… For those unfamiliar with Texas, Texas has distinct regions within the state which are the Big Bend Country, the Gulf Coast, the Hill Country, The Panhandle Plains, the Piney Woods, the Prairies and Lakes, and the South Texas Plains.

  • Tooling Module

    WEBINAR - Tooling Module (Concluded)

    Posted on in

    "Are you finding it increasingly difficult to control your tools/patterns?

    If so take the time to attend these free webinars"

    Tooling within the software refers to patterns, mold boxes, fixtures, calibration instruments, as well as tooling dies. A huge benefit of having metalcasting specific software is that it knows what a tool truly is and how it is used in the operations.

  • WEBINAR - Customer Module (Concluded)

    Posted on in

    Customers are of course central to any business so that your metalcasting operations can make money, get paid, and keep customers happy. Areas of importance in working with customers are maintaining a good working relationship, keeping the customer informed as to the status of orders, and of course on-time delivery performance.

  • Cast Metal Diecasting Times

    Editorial Cast Metal Diecasting Times April/May 2016

    Posted on in Editorials

    Latest module and enterprise app shop floor releases:

    Inclusive to each user/license seat

    For forty years, SYNCHRO ERP has been providing growth, innovation, and prosperity to the global metal casting manufacturer’s SYNCHRO ERP is an Industry Specific Software Solution.

  •  Why Didn’t I Think About That?

    Shane's Blog - June 2016

    Posted on in Blog

    Why Didn’t I Think About That?

    Howdy from East Texas where the weather is unusual to say the least. Here it is late May going into June and we have yet to cross 90f yet and as I type this, it is raining yet again and the temperature on the porch is a mild 66f. Yes, we Texans always like to talk about the weather because if you don’t like what it is now just wait an hour and it will be totally different.

  • Bite Size -  Customer Relationship Module

    Bite Size - Customer Relationship Module

    Posted on in

    Phase 1 - Released at CastExpo 2016

    Phase 2 - In development

    Topic, Task, Phone Log Management, Task and event time lines, Cross system document marshalling, Priority and rule escalation, Event monitoring and cross topic integration, Task monitoring and rule based prioritization, Phone log entries.

  • Bite Size -  Equipment Maintenance Module

    Bite Size - Equipment Maintenance Management Module.

    Posted on in

    The Equipment Maintenance Management Module has undergone a recent update. This window enables the setting up of a specific calendar for the Equipment Maintenance and is setup in the same fashion as the Company or Process calendars. If a calendar is defined when planning the next maintenance dates SYNCHRO will push the date forward until a working date is reached. If no Maintenance calendar exists, the default system calendar will be used instead.

    If you currently use the Equipment Maintenance Management Module. - you will benefit from the development.

    If you do not currently use the module, this is an opportunity to have a one on one demonstration

    ...and remember this module has no purchase costs.

  • William Cook becomes AMRC partner

    Posted on in NEWS

    SYNCHRO ERP welcome this news from William Cook, the largest steel casting group joined the University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC)

  • FESA (Foundry Equipment Supplies Association)

    FESA (Foundry Equipment Supplies Association)

    Posted on in NEWS

    The Foundry Equipment and Supplies Association is the trade organization set up nearly one hundred years ago to promote the very best in foundry equipment, technology, knowledge and materials. At the time that the UK was the leading foundry nation in the world FESA has worked with the best foundries to ensure that they remain at the forefront of technology. FESA members are now providing this service to the global cast metals industry.


  • POK


Demonstrations are a taster, an overview, a guide.
A valuable start in assessing your own requirements

They are valuable and free

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