Bill of Ladings
The ‘Bill of Ladings’ allows the user to print a bill of laden for the shipment, providing total weights and goods being shipped. This document is typically required by the driver of the vehicle carrying the goods.
The ‘BOL Creation’ screen is displayed and reveals details of the shipment including the ‘Total Weight’. The ‘Shipment’ tab display shipment information such as weight whilst the ‘Containers’ tab displays the same information that was entered under the ‘Containers’ tab previously. Click ‘Create & Print’ and add any ‘Annotations’ as necessary.
BOL sample document
- BOL Review
In this window you can review and reprint any Shipping document previously created. The window presents the information in a similar fashion as described in the previous section. By default, non-printed documents will be showing.
Use the ‘Show Printed documents’ tick option to toggle between printed and Non-printed documents
For further information or demonstration contact:
Global +44 (0) 845-370-3232
Live Chat - see bottom right of your screen